Contact us

Harlow Holistic Therapy Centre

2 Slacksbury Hatch, Helions Road

Harlow, Essex CM19 4ET


Please note SatNav will take you to the back of the centre, please use Helion Road entrance (SAT NAV use CM19 4EU).  We are in the parade of shops, opposite the pub.


Phone: 01279 414285  (new phone messaging system - leave a message and it is emailed to a centrail mailbox which we monitor regularly, one of our team, will get back to you.)




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Contact us

You can reach us on:

01279 414285



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In order to visit us

Harlow Holistic Therapy Centre

2 Slacksbury Hatch, 

Helions Road


CM19 4ET


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© Harlow Holistic Therapy Centre